This video was created for students in the study group that Chris oversees. It is a build thread video of an andon, a type of Japanese lantern.
For a bubinga wood side table, Chris designed a new type of drawer design, which is put together only with joinery, no glue. The design draws inspiration from the the Scandinavian NK type of drawer. The drawer features lignum vitae runners and slides, which are virtually impossible to wear out. Judge the fit of the drawer for yourself.
Watch Chris in action in the wood shop during the construction of the new entrance gate for the Japanese Garden at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. In the first segment, an inlay piece is being fitted using a hand plane. In the latter part, Chris is planing the surface of a beam. Planing leaves the cleanest surface, because it slices wood fibers instead of grinding them (as with sand paper). Chris almost exclusively planes the surfaces of his pieces for the highest quality result.
A pivotal moment during the installation of the Japanese gate at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston:
Other short videos of Chris in the wood shop are found on his youtube channel: